AUSTRALIAN BORAN RESEARCH"F1 cows crossed to Boran bulls produced the greatest weight of calf weaned per 100-kilogram cow joined, than all other genotypes in the Belmont evaluation." In "Australian Farm Journal BEEF" July 1996, Dr John Frisch, Tropical Beef Centre, Rockhampton quotes from his results : When Frisch compared the weight of calf weaned per 100kg cow joined, he found: Virtually no difference between pure breeds - 25kg per 100kg cow;
Purebred Brahman cows weaning crossbred calves: a lift of 20pc above pure breeds - 30kg per 100kg cow; F1 Brahman/British crossed to Boran: 60pc above pure breeds - 40kg per 100kg cow, F1 Brahman/Charolais crossed to Boran: 40pc above pure breeds - 35kg per 100kg cow.
The Clay Centre (situated in Nebraska, the Meat Centre Animal Research Centre comprises of a 35,000 acre facility to increase efficiency of production of high-quality red meat) performance testing using semen from 8 Boran bulls in Australia compare Boran against various other sires over Angus and Hereford dams . The following table was published by the Clay Centre in 1995. BREED GROUP MEANS FOR REPRODUCTION AND MATERNAL TRAITS OF F1 FEMALES MATED TO PRODUCE THEIR FIRST CALVES BY RED POLL SIRES AT TWO YEARS OF AGE. The Boran had :the highest percentage of calves born. ie more calves on the ground, greater production from medium framed cows, greater carrying ability of the land. Email: info@hollowvalleyborans.com.auCopyright©2005 J.Friend & P.Holt.Roseberry Ck Rd via Kyogle.Australia |
jaco@delvidaboran.co.za |
Tel +27 82 8787 383 |